GOOD PODCASTS (I’m either grinning ear to ear, singing along or wiping away a tear listening to this podcast) (This is intense but so beautiful..if you are not in the mood for crying, don’t listen to it) (So so so so so so good. Annie Hannahan will be on this one day with her Beatles story.) And some shamanism to round it out! I have been listening to these for years and well, they have definitely changed my life. You can search the archive from the last 7 years of this show - hundreds of topics available. Christina also offers an online class I took called Energy Body Mastery (about clearing and grounding energy - so good) From the website: These shamanic teachings challenge our assumptions, awaken our true passions, and - most importantly - offer actions we can take to change the way we live. I’m not getting paid for this review :)

Michael Moore - Rumble. If you like politics (and Bernie)
The podcast I most recommend right now is “Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend.” It’s just interviews with comedians and actors that make me laugh. Lots of silliness. But if laughter heals, the Martin Short interview and the Tina Fey interview should be bottled and sold next to the purell. John Mulaney too.